Sunday, March 4, 2012

Xbox 360 Clear Cache Code Question?

Ok well I found out about the code....I want to use it to be able to use a glitch thing in Dragon Age 2.

However I'm confused about this part of the process on clearing out your Cache.

Restart your console. You have now cleared your hard drive cache and your Xbox 360 should run faster and have improved game-play on certain games (The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Fallout 3, Halo 3, or other games).

When it says "You have now cleared your hard drive cache" Does it get rid of any important stuff? Like I heard that if you do this it gets rid of important updates or things you download like game that true? Does it really get rid of all of that stuff? Or just the useless stuff....I'm confused.

Please someone help

Thank you very muchXbox 360 Clear Cache Code Question?
believe and someone will help you

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