Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dragon Age Origins: Pick chests with a warrior?

Is there anyway to pick at a chest with a warrior? Maybe a glitch. I'm playing on the Xbox 360 version by the way. I'm a warrior and I'm really trying to get Loghain's approval and one of the gifts he prefers is in the locked chest after the landsmeet in Castle Redcliffe and I can't open it. Please help me!Dragon Age Origins: Pick chests with a warrior?
No, only rogues with lock picking abilities can open chests. Leliana is best at it, but you can train Zevran to do it too. If you don't want to fight with them, go back later and open all the chests.

There is a mod you can download that would allow you to bash the lock, but I don't know if you can get it with xbox.

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